
Showing posts from August 11, 2013

Clarifying Clarity…

How can these role models be developed? How can we encourage a generation who should be role models, to be available to make this contribution, which they received in their life. Four changes has to happen in the way we perceive, live and act. One - Relocations into context where people have access into your lives . We have to strategically relocate. Relocate to locations where there are opportunities for communities of caring to be developed and where supportive mentoring and building can happen. Two - Relationship building as the primary strategy . Mentoring and building can happen only in the context of proactive relationship building. Changes has to happen in the way we look at our life involvement, from being care providers and healers to community builders.   Three - Renewal of Open home and open life practices . Relationships should lead to openness and vulnerability – where houses are open homes and lives are open books. Homes and Lives should be opened in such a

A “Spiritual” Mental Health Check list

Delusions – abnormal beliefs which are held with absolute certainty, based on incorrect inferences about external reality. Do I have beliefs about the world and what I see around, which I hold with absolute certainty which is based on my intellectual, rational and scientific thinking? If so we might be in for a surprise – we might find ourselves deluded. The correct inference of external reality comes from using the spectacle of the Grand Narrative – the Narrative based on the creator’s inference. Do I have such inference…? Am I deluded? Illusions - false perceptions of a real external stimulus. Does my delusional thinking lead me to perceptions of people and events? And then I act, react and respond based on those perceptions? I might be bordering on an illusive (if there is a word like this) behavior. A correct perception of people is – the way the owner and creator perceives His creation and His child….not the way you and I see… Hallucinations – perceptions without correspon

Confusion to Clarity...

How do we move from confusion to clarity... Did we as a generation fail in helping each other to move from confusion to clarity… Looking back, as we were growing up, there were many who challenged us - “Dare to be a Daniel”... And those who did challenge us were people who has actually had chosen “character” above “career” “call” above “Job”. Like Daniel who put his career on the anvil by choosing not to eat the food, we had role models who more than talking, through their lives communicated that choices made in line with the Big picture was worth it..! Their lives also communicated that, as they took such choices, there was the bigger influence of their lives on many others, not in the usual sense of through their career only, but through their lives and life style. This also was more observed that proclaimed! We also observed that some of them had to face uncertain and difficult situations, rejection by colleagues, peers and family, but you could sense a fulfillment in the