
Showing posts from July 5, 2015

Suffering in my hands....

“Suffered in the hands of many physicians” – is what we read in the good book. For the lady with bleeding, who approached Jesus, she would have spent all her money and resources going from one physician to another, but not finding cure in their hands. Today health care in India is about “suffering in the hands of many physicians”.  There was this lady who came with an Ultra sound report to me yesterday. She has had an US which showed a dilated GB, and diagnosed as Cholecystitis and was referred by a well-meaning physician for urgent surgery. She already had been planning for IV fluids, admission surgery etc and had spent money on preparations. Some thing which was not indicated or required at all. Suffered because of ignorance of lack of knowledge – may be? I started talking to her and she said – she is on treatment for giddiness from Patna. This is common here. Treatment for Diabetes from Patna, TB from Government and Asthma from our hospital. I asked another patient rece...