Creaky joints

As we age, various challenges inevitably arise. Two things that stand out for me these days are clothes and hair. Clothes are interesting—when you go shopping, you often find slim fit, narrow fit, tight fit, and other styles that our generation didn’t grow up with. But this also becomes an excuse to "renew your youth." You buy these clothes, telling people you have no other choice, but in your heart, you’re happy because you’re following the current trend! Carl Trueman wrote, “If no eighteen-year-old male believes himself to be immortal, no middle-aged male wants to appear any older than he was twenty years ago… it would seem that the market for youth clothing (albeit with slightly expanded waistline sizes) is alive and well long into the territory previously reserved for the superannuated and beyond.” Hair issues are different. Greying and thinning hair is part of aging. But every time I go for a haircut, the barber suggests coloring, a comb-over, and other new methods to ...