Remembering Father’s Day…

Growing up, we never had these days of remembrances! Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Daughter’s Day Son’s Day etc. You were expected to remember each other every day and even if you did nor want, there was not much option! Especially between fathers and sons! You were dependent on each other, one for support, growth and sustenance other for significance, fulfillment and expression of his love…So it was taken for granted that you need each other, and you need to remember each other to move forward in this life…. As I grew up and moved out, with my own family and children, becoming a father myself, I needed to be reminded, to remember my father off and on. There were days, in the business of being a father, a professional, a team leader, and engaged in various other busy roles, that I needed to be reminded to remember your father well! Not that he was forgotten, I will call and ask how he is, and keep in touch, but to remember is to remember well. Remembering well takes a bit of refle...