Wind-up Toys

A few days back, I suddenly remembered a toy that we grew up with. The wind-up toys. They are wound up and keep walking and finally fall over, when the winding completes its work. I think I remembered this because I was feeling like one. Keep on going till you drop dead! This is what life is, for many of us. Some of us have no choice, but others like me, have a choice to slow down. But then, I have lived like this always and so it has become a life style. Judith Shulevitz, in a 2003 article wrote this " We could let the world wind us up and set us to marching, like mechanical dolls that go and go until they fall over, because they don't have a mechanism that allows them to pause. But that would make us less than human. We have to remember to stop because we have to stop to remember." (See reference below). She starts this article with this story from Freud's era. " Sandor Ferenczi, a disciple of Freud's, once identified a disorder he called Sunday neuro...