The Trek

The decision to start on such a trek was not easy. All were in latter side of youth as WHO recently described. Youngest bring 47 and eldest being 63. It was told to us that the trek is a tough one - uphill and downhill and might take anywhere between four to seven hours. But the pictures of what to anticipate at the summit, the Annapurna ranges was so overpowering that the fear of toughness was set aside. How like our own journeys? The vision of a potential future is what should drive us to set aside the reality of fear overpowering us. We started the journey at about 11, traveling up. The initial few meters itself was discomforting - a introduction to the potential challenges ahead. There were discussions on the wisdom of continuing the journey, at least for some. There was serious consideration of alternate plans. It was at that time, as we turned around the corner, we saw the mountain ranges - the camp to where we were heading. That view was enough to enthuse all and set as...