How I try to see
I see organization and movements as man-made structures. There is only one organization or movement God established – that is the Church. (Not the one that we see today, that might be part of it!) All the rest are man-made. But definitely many of these might have been established out of God enabling and giving vision to people, fulfil a particular task which is in line with His Kingdom purposes. The structure of the institution or movement is not “God given” but man-made based on the then socio-cultural and political requirements. Which bring the issue that, all man-made structures bring with it the fallenness of humanity and all its failures and weaknesses. But like all fallen systems and individuals, they have the potential of redemption and being in line with the Kingdom purposes and holding on to the values of the Kingdom. This alignment is the role of the leadership. Not the supreme leader or CEO alone. The leadership of any organization, movement or institution has to co...