Stretch my borders...

If we look at last week’s stories from around the world, they will either numb us or challenge us. The stampede in Prayagraj left 30 dead, though the numbers are questionable. Reports from ground zero say the numbers might be far higher. The flight accident in the USA, where a helicopter and an AA jet collided, resulted in 75+ deaths. Many of us might not have even heard about the ongoing crisis in the DRC (Goma), which has left 700 dead. These are the events that caught media attention—Prayagraj because it is the largest religious festival in the world, the USA because it’s the USA, and the DRC in some circles because of the tantalum interest for developed nations. Around the same time, there have been more deaths in Ukraine and many other parts of the world that did not catch media attention—either because the numbers did not matter, the interest had waned, or they were deemed not worth talking about. (It is "they" and "out there!") Numbers numb because li...