
For the last 10 days, I was ‘Rat–tracted’—completely distracted by a rat in the kitchen. I tried everything to catch, kill, or chase it out! Nothing worked. Finally, thinking it had left, I sealed all the potential entry points, only to find it was still there, destroying exhaust fans and gnawing through every plastic utensil. I lost money dealing with it, lost sleep over it, and even lost my inner peace. I started waking up in the middle of the night, hearing imagined rat-running noises! Like any good Christian, I began praying about it since nothing else had worked. Then, one morning, my better half suggested, "Just calm down, keep the doors open, and see if it goes out." To my surprise, it worked! I should have listened and done that earlier. But this rat distraction taught me some valuable lessons about distractions in life. For those of us who generally have our lives under control, peace-draining distractions aren’t usually major issues—they’re small things, li...