Let not the Numbers Numb...

The spat between the international media and powers that be in our nation is quite disturbing. Yes, it is about who is right who is wrong, but in their spats, it appears as if these “numbers” about which they are fighting about had no life in them! They are just statistics. I am talking about two reports on numbers of death in our nation. See links to the reports here. Just How Big Could India’s True Covid-19 Case and Death Toll Be? - The New York Times (nytimes.com) And the rebuttal from the authorities today. https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/no-basis-at-all-centre-trashes-new-york-times-report-on-covid-deaths-2450596?pfrom=home-ndtv_topscroll Statements like these ” …. asserted that a strong mortality tracking system was in place and "a so-called prestigious newspaper" should not have published such a piece. ”, "There may be some late reporting of deaths but there's no intent of any state or the Centre . ” are made to convey reality from the data that is ...