Few pictures of freedom and limits

Walking around in the garden I came across few pictures that challenged my thinking today morning. A picture of saplings being prepared for replanting. Kept within a plastic container, being nourished, and grown till a day and place where it can be replanted. To be plated in a place where it will find space and freedom to grow to its full potential. Today it is limited but tomorrow it will no longer be because it will be where it can send out it deep roots, grow tall and spread its branches tall and wide. The limits today are for freedom tomorrow. Freedom to rise above the challenges of this life, a higher perspective from a growth into the skies. That tall tree is stable because of the deep roots it has. The growth of the roots is unlimited because of its strategic location that allows depth. But some limitations are intentional. Intentionally caged in to protect from danger, like these two pets. Cute and loveable but their limits set in to protect them from other animals...