
Showing posts from March 29, 2020

Christian Medical Comment: ‘Green zones’ for the vulnerable may be a cheap an...

Christian Medical Comment: ‘Green zones’ for the vulnerable may be a cheap an... : US and Western Europe have so far been the hardest hit by the coronavirus with over 80% of cases worldwide - but there’s good reason to ...

Contentment amid containment

It has been almost a week since the lock down and the steps taken for containment of the COVID19 was set in motion. I found it challenging, initially, to some extend even now! I was to have left the location where I was, to be with family, and was expected to meet up with the extended family and friends. I had 2 tickets booked, one on train and another on flight, making it sure that if one gets cancelled, I have an alternative option. But I never thought that all my doors will be closed, and I would not be able to move out. But that has happened. I am now slowly learning to be content in containment because I understand the bigger picture. I need to respect and support the nation and the steps the nation takes, till the storm passes over. I have nothing much to complain about – since I live in a protected environment though in one of the most impoverished parts of our nation, with my basic needs well taken care of. A good house to stay, food more then enough to eat, social co...