Good Doctors.....

I came back after spending a few days with some Good Doctors. Yes, there are good doctors these days too. These days when doctors are being beaten up supposedly for their misdeeds! How did I label these doctors as good ones? Let me take you through 6 sets of criteria. Why are these people in Medicine ? They have a sense of fulfillment! They are there, yes for a job, they do receive a salary, they have a job satisfaction, not because of the salary they get only but things beyond the salary. They are some of best in their field among their peers in college! Though working in not so well-known locations, they are doing much in their career, bur career advancement is not what gives them the fulfillment. They see the career and job as a platform to care for those who do not have easy access to health care. And they find fulfillment in the fact that Medicine is a vocation – to be part of something bigger than just a job or career, though these are important. Where do they practice...