Virtual realities of life...

A casual conversation with a car driver and a friend in his early 50’s. “Saahbji, a few years back when some baby is born or a marriage occurs or something like that happens in my extended family and friends, we will go with a small present (We do not have much) but spend time with them. Today, I do a video call and pass some money by G pay and tell them, but a present for the child or whoever it is”. “I have only one sister and she stay in the same city. Earlier I would go and meet them at least two or three times a month, take some food or chocolates for her children. We still have a good relationship, but in the last one year we haven’t met face to face. We have video calls and I pass some money to her to buy chocolate for their children”. “There was time when I used to look forward for the board meetings of our organization. All the members will drive and come, and while the meeting is going on, we drivers have a great time together, and we became close friends,...