Bird that flew away but still singing...

I had heard about Father Stan but did not know much about him. Yesterday, attending his funeral was a challenging and encouraging time. Challenging because, listening to his life over last two years, I was wondering how an 84-year-old frail man with Parkinsonism can be considered as “dangerous” and imprisoned. One knows that such a person with multiple comorbidities have no reasonable chance of survival in Indian prisons! Encouraging because, here was a man who intellectually analyzed situation (Social analysis) and lived out a life that makes a difference in the lives of the people who had come to adopt as his brothers and sisters, or in one sense his family! Last year or so, the information about his life and what he shared prior to his imprisonment, was very encouraging. A man who had the clarity of thought, convictions that moved him, courage to live out that convictions, and compassion that drove him to the very end, despite being labelled as a criminal! Why were the p...