In one of my recent blogs I had talked about a person who wanted treatment for TB in our center and Diabetes elsewhere and how I had asked him who takes care of him, if the different diseases are being taken care of at different centers. Over last few weeks, the number of patients who are on treatment for their various ailments from different practioners or institutions have been many. A typical example is this 50 year old man who was brought to us by his wife and daughter. He did not seem too keen to see us. He had a bipolar disease for the last 20 years on treatment form Patna, has a chronic alcohol dependent stage, for which he has been to many doctors, and he has a psoriasis, for which he is on treatment from a homeo-physician. We evaluated him and found that he is in moderate liver failure, due to the chronic alcoholism. We asked, what is that you expect from us? They wanted treatment for Psoriasis only. After going through the initial discussions we told him, unless he stops alc...