Thinking aloud multiple things...
I was in another country for a week, visiting some Medical professionals and students. I am putting down some random observations from this country, which has been a learning experience for me. The city where I stayed most of the time, has the highest population density in the world. In the midst of the mostly crowded roads and rows of old buildings, and dirt and waste products lying all around (like any other city, in this region of the world including our own,) one would see large, new buildings heavily guarded and protected. These stood out in stark contrast from other buildings around, both in terms of their architecture, size, walls of protections around, security and other aspects of appearance. These were specially set up as 100% export factories, where garments and other consumables are being produced to be exported to the developed nations in the northern continent. As one drove through these roads, you would find, early in the morning, ordinary looking people, (Aam ...