The battle for my mind….

The world around and the world wide web, is openly offering freedom for my mind. Freedom from the traditional beliefs, ways of thinking and values that I have held on. Whether it be for the values that undergird my personal life, societal or life as a nation. It offers alternative frameworks and answers for the foundational questions, that I thought I had a grip on. Even for the logical thinking and scientific temper, the world is offering an alternative. The question I am grappling with is, what is offered as freedom is it another form of slavery. Freedom from one way of thinking to be enslaved to another way of thinking. The promotions through the AI based algorithms, are so efficient that once I put one step into the waters of thinking differently, the systems start pulling me back in, with regular updates on the same themes. Of the varied alternatives that are being offered – three remain upmost in the wanderings of my mind. One – the values that undergirded my personal and...