Evolutionary Journey

In the evolutionary cycle, there was supposedly a point when humans became Homo Erectus — the moment when we began standing tall, observing the world around us, and addressing challenges with newfound confidence. (Some readers might be wondering if he believes in evolution. We never knew! Don’t worry, this isn’t about debating evolution 😊 ). Looking back and ahead, we’ve come a long way, evolving from Homo Sapiens to now being on the journey toward becoming Homo-Technologicus . Let me digress for a moment. I developed my first back pain in my mid-forties and my first neck pain in my mid-fifties. I chalked it up to ageing, perhaps a bit premature due to my lifestyle. Today, every other young person I meet complains, “I have a cervical problem.” Some even know the diagnosis—Cervical Spondylosis—thanks to the modern-day medical bible: Google! The picture here is from our home! The question I want to consider is: Have we moved three steps forward in technology bu...