Teachers from early years

It was 1978, November. Medical college that should have started by June started only in November. There were cases in the university against the admission that continued for about 5 months. Finally, after this long wait, we were Medical students! In those days there were only 2 professions that was considered worth joining - Medicine and Engineering. And between the two Medicine was the elite one! (That is what we thought). So, it is with great anticipation and joy that we joined toe college. Of course, there was the fear of the ragging. But much to our relief there was a court order that our batch should not be subjected to any ragging and should be protected by police! This was because the previous year, a physical assault during ragging had ended in loss of life of a student and mental breakdown of another! But as we entered the college and the Anatomy dissection halls, and classrooms, we were faced with not too encouraging professors. Or we felt as if they were not too enco...