
Showing posts from October 9, 2016

More vibrations

A young man in 20’s came to us, after attempting to commit suicide. Couple of days after being on ventilator support and on the way to recovery, his story came out. Sobbing, he told us this story…. He is from the neighbouring country, and was educated till the 10 th standard. Not able to find work, he went off to Malaysia, having had paid 200,000/- NRs to a middle man for the job. The job which he was doing over the year was a 12 to 14 hours’ job, lifting heavy weights, 7 days a week with one day off every month. Physically and emotionally abused if he and his friends do not fulfil the owners’ expectations, being beaten up very frequently, and earning about 12 to 14 ,000/- per month. It came to a point that he could not go any further and he objected to this treatment. And he had to come back, but he went back to the job after paying a fine of 75,000/-. But after going back, he could not continue since the treatment worsened and he and his 3 friends came back. Having had used up ...