If the salt loses its saltiness....
In Medicine - low Na is known as "Hyponatremia". There are three kinds of "Hyponatremia" - Hypovolemic, Euvolemic and Hypervolemic. In simple English - one where the body loses salt and wanter, one where body salt is normal, but there is a problem in distribution of salt due to hormonal issues and in the third situation, body water is more so that there is a relative reduction in salt. Let me take this one by one - Hypovolemic - where the body water and salt, both are reduced because of an inadequate intake or disproportionate loss like during diarrhea or excessive sweating.... A Depleted state.... Inadequate intake of "Salt" or "Kingdom values" due to a "Depleted state" of spirituality is not uncommon in our lives - in some seasons specially! How one need to guard oneself, not to be depleted...! Hypervolemic - where there is more water - and so the salt gets diluted in the increased volume and there is a relative Na loss - a...