
Showing posts from July 31, 2011

If the salt loses its saltiness....

In Medicine - low Na is known as "Hyponatremia". There are three kinds of "Hyponatremia" - Hypovolemic, Euvolemic and Hypervolemic. In simple English - one where the body loses salt and wanter, one where body salt is normal, but there is a problem in distribution of salt due to hormonal issues and in the third situation, body water is more so that there is a relative reduction in salt. Let me take this one by one - Hypovolemic - where the body water and salt, both are reduced because of an inadequate intake or disproportionate loss like during diarrhea or excessive sweating.... A Depleted state.... Inadequate intake of "Salt" or "Kingdom values" due to a "Depleted state" of spirituality is not uncommon in our lives - in some seasons specially! How one need to guard oneself, not to be depleted...! Hypervolemic - where there is more water - and so the salt gets diluted in the increased volume and there is a relative Na loss - a...

Spiritual dissociation...

Dissociation is defined as "partial or complete disruption of the normal integration of a person’s conscious or psychological functioning". This is one common understanding of the word dissociation. But in other situations in Medicine, the same word takes similar but lightly different meanings  One such situation is - "Albuminocytological dissociation" - where you expect for certain number of cells in the fluid surrounding spinal cord or brain (CSF) you  a certain level of Albumin - and if you do have no or few cells but increased levels of Albumin than what is expected for the number of cells - you label this as "Albuminocytological dissociation". One of the causes of this is - Block in the spinal canal and thus the fluid flow due to tumors....If you have such a situation - you need further inves...