Spiritual dissociation...

Dissociation is defined as "partial or complete disruption of the normal integration of a person’s conscious or psychological functioning". This is one common understanding of the word dissociation. But in other situations in Medicine, the same word takes similar but lightly different meanings 

One such situation is - "Albuminocytological dissociation" - where you expect for certain number of cells in the fluid surrounding spinal cord or brain (CSF) you  a certain level of Albumin - and if you do have no or few cells but increased levels of Albumin than what is expected for the number of cells - you label this as "Albuminocytological dissociation". One of the causes of this is - Block in the spinal canal and thus the fluid flow due to tumors....If you have such a situation - you need further investigation - scanning to delineate the tumor and surgical removal of the tumor...

In life also we do see "Dissociation's" - the "Being-Doing" dissociation, "Preaching-Practice" dissociation, or the "Knowledge-Life" dissociation. Like the block in the spinal canal, life dissociation also are due to a "Block" - block in the "Perception" than a "dissociated life" is acceptable...or that "integrated" or "associated" life is not "practical" "feasible"or required....Or other blocks....!

The other life dissociation is one of "Poverty - blessedness" -" Poor in spirit - son of God"; "Inner weakness and brokenness - external resilience and tenacity"....Unlike the previous one - this dissociation is welcomed, because it is in this dissociation - flow of enabling power of God is made avoidable,...Here instead of block, there is a flow of God's enabling grace...this free flow also could deliver us from the "Being-doing" or "Knowledge-life" dissociation too....

The second situation in medicine is  "Dissociative  anesthesia" - where one will not experience pain but is aware of what is happening around him or her even though is under Anesthesia...You know what is being done to you, but you do not feel the pain....

I walk around many times as if I am under "Dissociative Anesthesia" - I know that there is injustice, brokenness, pain suffering around me - but I do not feel the pain...Again the problem is a block - block of the flow of Gods passion and compassion into my life...and out of my life....

So the answer to Dissociation is - enable free flow....pass through the scanner of the "word" and undergo the surgery by the Spirit...so that the block is removed and free flow is enabled....!


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