Rambling on life

Four journeys over the last two to three weeks and some ramblings on life! Journey One – Journey with a Bird About three weeks back, we found a pigeon laying an egg and sitting on it in a nest built in an empty pot on our balcony. Both of us, along with our helper, have always had a hate-hate relationship with pigeons. The reason was simple: they dirtied the veranda, the clothes hanging out to dry, and the whole place. I would constantly wave my hands and shout every time I went out, and our helper would always curse and complain! But suddenly, our posture changed from hate-hate to hate-tolerance, and maybe even a hint of tolerance-love deep in our hearts. The helper still complained but kept a safe distance to avoid disturbing the pigeon and the egg. I would walk in and out, intentionally ignoring the nest and the pigeon. Children of family friends would come and go, gushing over the nest and the egg. If I could talk to the pigeon and understand her heart, I...