
Showing posts from July 24, 2011

Brokenness and Leading....

How significant is inner brokenness in the life of a person who is called to lead..lead any thing - be it be a small group, an institution or a large organization.....Even leading a family.... If leading is fruit bearing - facilitating fruits being produced in others lives - pruning is key - which means - pain and brokenness is inevitable....? If leading is fruit bearing - facilitating fruits being produced in others lives - abiding is also equally important...? Pruned and cut branches but dependent branches....wounded and broken individuals, who are dependent on the source....?

Ethics and India....

A National Christian Bio-Ethics workshop is going on in Delhi. Senior professionals from Christian organizations are taking part in the same. Ethical issues like Abortion, Stem Cell research, Euthanasia etc are being discussed.... Bu the challenging question is - when one is faced daily with patients' family requesting us to take decisions based on "economy", "livelihood," "cost effectiveness," "value of non productive life," and many other social and cultural issues - what frame work can one use..... Biblical frame work - yes - but how does one in the "5 minutes left to take a decision" use these frame work...with those who have no idea of these frame work.... When basic amenities of life - Livelihood, food to eat, housing etc are the more stressing challenges of life....ethics of value of life...?


“In that day, each man did as he saw fit” – Anarchy – where “Authority was rejected” and “word of God was rare”…. The story of the world of today seems to be like this – like what was in Judges time in the history of Israel – the authority of God and God appointed leadership was rejected and the moral undergirding by the absolute moral standards through the Word of God was forgotten….and each person did as he saw fit in his own eyes…. How else can we interpret the “Norway killings, the Pakistan bombings and Mumbai bombings….Of course not to forget the “scams” in our own country….. Will our families, our communities be an alternative? Lives and communities which live not in “Anarchy” but under the authority of God and God appointed authorities and standards of the Word….