ABCDs of Failure
As one looks around and reflect on nations, kingdoms, corporations, leaders and powerful people and families, and even faith based communities, one starts seeing a trend of behaviour. They – (we) come into a position of power or influence and soon start thinking that we have “earned” it. Though it is evident for all to see that this was not an earned identity but a bestowed one, we start believing that we have earned it by our own ability and might. And this leads to an A rrogance. Whether it is based on position, knowledge or even character it does not matter. But an arrogance derived out of sense of having earned it by our effort. This A rrogance if untamed, leads to B elittling others. All the others are seen as insignificant and only seen as instruments to be used for their own good, or at best, an irritation. This comes out of a feeling of we are the “ B est”, and all the others are far below our standards. If faith based, we look at from Holy vs Unholy, sinner Vs Saint perspect...