
Showing posts from November 8, 2015

ABCDs of Failure

As one looks around and reflect on nations, kingdoms, corporations, leaders and powerful people and families, and even faith based communities, one starts seeing a trend of behaviour. They – (we) come into a position of power or influence and soon start thinking that we have “earned” it. Though it is evident for all to see that this was not an earned identity but a bestowed one, we start believing that we have earned it by our own ability and might. And this leads to an A rrogance. Whether it is based on position, knowledge or even character it does not matter. But an arrogance derived out of sense of having earned it by our effort. This A rrogance if untamed, leads to B elittling others. All the others are seen as insignificant and only seen as instruments to be used for their own good, or at best, an irritation. This comes out of a feeling of we are the “ B est”, and all the others are far below our standards. If faith based, we look at from Holy vs Unholy, sinner Vs Saint perspect...

Politically reflecting...

I am generally apolitical by nature. I do read political stories and news in a very cursory way, to get an idea of what is happening across our Nation and the world. But a few events which evolved and are still evolving in the communities around where we live opened my mind to a different perspective through which I should look at the world and what emerges around us. One was the “Indo-Nepal standoff” which is still an ongoing issue, that has impoverished a nation and put its citizens to almost three months of lack of basic resources for daily life. As one reads through the news from both these nations, we see conflicting reports. One blaming the other, and each trying to wash its hands off from the issue, and passing the buck to the other. But the reality is clear for all those who live close to the ground to see. It is all about, how the bigger and powerful wants it way, and how it expects the smaller and weaker to respond. It is all about years of consistent bullying by the st...