If he/she can do it - I can too

I am just back and recovering (well) from a week of travel. It was physically tiring but emotionally and spiritually uplifting. The trip was to be together for five days as a big group (60-plus people) to plan, have fellowship, and get to know each other. By the end, we had become an “ intergenerational connected community .” It was intergenerational because we had Gen Zs, the majority of Gen Ys, some Gen Xs, a few Baby Boomers, and one or two Silent Gens (who weren’t too silent, but 😊 ). We were connected by one purpose – to be a channel of “Healing and Witness to God’s love” in every community and nation. That common purpose knitted us together, even though we were from different generations. (Is this not what the world needs today, too?) Carl R. Trueman reminds us in his book: “The stories the modern world tells us are powerful: the future-oriented promise of science, the technology that privileges the young, the materialistic paradise offered ...