Where are the leaders

A few months back, at the beginning of the epidemic I had in my dreams, dreamt of how leadership should be and written a blog on the same. https://blogs.icmda.net/2020/03/24/leadership-in-pandemics-six-principles-to-guide-us/ It was with a hope and dream that I will be such a person, and there will be around us, leaders of our nations who will lead from the front. Leaders who will lead with evidence-based strategies, at the same time compassionate, agile, dependant and interdependent! As the pandemic continues to ravage all our nations without signs of an immediate end, what we see around in the world leadership is far from what I had dreamt! I want to consider a few leadership pictures that we see around in political leadership around us. We see one group of leaders who seem to be “blind” to the context around. In one sense like Ostriches with their head under the sand! For them life goes on as normal, pandemic is just another thing to ignore, and they are busy with their ...