Weary, Wandering and Wallowed…

I went for a walk in the hills today. I saw a tractor-trailer struggling to climb the hills with a trailer full of bricks. The driver and his helpers were trying to shift the burden around to see if the tractor could pull it up. Once loaded, however, no matter how one tries, it is not possible to reduce the load by shifting things around; the only option is to unload. Unfortunately, I am not sure what they finally did. Is this not what life is all about? Overloaded, with many things, like a beast of burden. In the past, we used to overload beasts of burden; today, we do that with our lives—with work, wants, and worries. Weary with work—working for self-promotion and fulfillment, working for upward mobility and the rewards that come with it. However, I am reminded of a statement by Frederick Buechner: 'The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's hunger meet.' And the invitation from the Master in Matthew 11:28, 'Are you tired?...