ABCDs of Failure

As one looks around and reflect on nations, kingdoms, corporations, leaders and powerful people and families, and even faith based communities, one starts seeing a trend of behaviour.
They – (we) come into a position of power or influence and soon start thinking that we have “earned” it. Though it is evident for all to see that this was not an earned identity but a bestowed one, we start believing that we have earned it by our own ability and might. And this leads to an Arrogance. Whether it is based on position, knowledge or even character it does not matter. But an arrogance derived out of sense of having earned it by our effort.
This Arrogance if untamed, leads to Belittling others. All the others are seen as insignificant and only seen as instruments to be used for their own good, or at best, an irritation. This comes out of a feeling of we are the “Best”, and all the others are far below our standards. If faith based, we look at from Holy vs Unholy, sinner Vs Saint perspective! We and they….!
This attitude of self-promotion and self-glorification if not checked leads next to a “Callousness” and “Casual” attitudes. We live a life of seeming invincibility that nothing can happen to us, we are the best, God is on our side, the people are following us, and we are there for ever!
Though there is the evidence of emerging unrest all around, one starts living in Denial. Though others might point it out to us, but many a times we are blinded by ABC’s of position and power that we are unable to see the evidence.
This denial is the step which leads us towards “Endangering” the bestowed position and role. Though we might think it as earned, the fact is that all is given to us. All is bestowed. The powers that bestowed it to us, whether it be people, others, and the sovereign God, is watching! We forget the fact that there are these “CCTV’s” all around!
And without us knowing, we set ourselves for Failure. We are suddenly faced with a situation, either engineered by the context or what I believe, God in His sovereignty allows and suddenly we face a failure.
This is yet another making or breaking point of our lives, (the first being when the power or position was bestowed to us,) we can decide to Give up or Go for a turn around.  

History of humanity is full of such stories. Stories of people, nations, kingdoms, religions, families who have gone through these cycles of life. But what we best learn from history is that we do not learn from history!  
In contrast we have a Master, who modelled a different life. In the words of Graham Kendrick
“From heaven you came helpless babe; Entered our world, your glory veiled; Not to be served but to serve; And give Your life that we might live….”
When will I learn to learn from History….?
When will I learn to follow the Master who modelled a different life style…?


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