If the salt loses its saltiness....

In Medicine - low Na is known as "Hyponatremia".

There are three kinds of "Hyponatremia" - Hypovolemic, Euvolemic and Hypervolemic. In simple English - one where the body loses salt and wanter, one where body salt is normal, but there is a problem in distribution of salt due to hormonal issues and in the third situation, body water is more so that there is a relative reduction in salt.

Let me take this one by one - Hypovolemic - where the body water and salt, both are reduced because of an inadequate intake or disproportionate loss like during diarrhea or excessive sweating....A Depleted state....

Inadequate intake of "Salt" or "Kingdom values" due to a "Depleted state" of spirituality is not uncommon in our lives - in some seasons specially! How one need to guard oneself, not to be depleted...!

Hypervolemic - where there is more water - and so the salt gets diluted in the increased volume and there is a relative Na loss - an overloaded state - where one is overloaded with water...

Overload syndrome - overloading with "necessary' but more than required issues of life it be work, pleasure or ministry could lead to a "overloaded state" but reduced "saltiness"....Again another season to be weary against....

Euvolemic - is where the body is "insensitive" to some hormones  due to a inappropriate secretion of hormones (SIADH) the salt content reduces....

Insensitivity is not too uncommon in my life too - due to inappropriate life styles....again to be guarded against....

The treatment to all these are - GIve more Salt, get the water out and treat the underlying cause of insensitivity...

Spiritual loss of saltiness also need to be treated this way - spend more time imbibing the word, purge out un-necessary water and treat the cause of insensitivity...


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