How I try to see

I see organization and movements as man-made structures. There is only one organization or movement God established – that is the Church. (Not the one that we see today, that might be part of it!) All the rest are man-made. But definitely many of these might have been established out of God enabling and giving vision to people, fulfil a particular task which is in line with His Kingdom purposes. The structure of the institution or movement is not “God given” but man-made based on the then socio-cultural and political requirements.

Which bring the issue that, all man-made structures bring with it the fallenness of humanity and all its failures and weaknesses. But like all fallen systems and individuals, they have the potential of redemption and being in line with the Kingdom purposes and holding on to the values of the Kingdom.

This alignment is the role of the leadership. Not the supreme leader or CEO alone. The leadership of any organization, movement or institution has to constantly grapple with the issue of aligning itself to the purpose for which it was established. It is this constant realignment which keeps an organization alive, active and relevant to the context. Leaders role is to challenge each other to do this….

But in the organizational cycle, institutions and organizations might go through various focus at different points of time. Early in the years, a lot might be setting up and vision and aligning to the vision. Then it might be a time for expansion and growth. There might come time of consolidation and systems setting up. But whatever the focus be, one should make it sure, that the over all purpose is not forgotten or lost. Though at times because of a certain focus it might appear that focus on vision is lost, it is important that this is recognized and communicated.

When one works within such a structure there are certain perspectives one need to hold on to.

One – organizations as long as they are in line with God’s greater purposes of Kingdom, are platforms to advance God’s Kingdom. 
Two - we work not for organizations, but work over and above the organizations for the sake of the Kingdom. 
Three – at the same time we continue to be part of the broken vessel of the organization as long as God keeps us, despite all its failures and weaknesses because we have a greater vision and a mandate. 
Four – it is people (not its leaders alone, or structures) which make the organization.
Five – my role has to be then build people to align themselves to be part of the greater purposes, along with me aligning myself.
Six – I will live not looking at the organization but at God greater vision, walking in line with the greater vision and challenging people to align themselves in line with that, as long as I am kept within the organization. If led to move I will, but will keep the same overarching vision.
Seven - When I am with an organization, I will pray and try to build not only the people but the organization as a whole, it to be as aligned as much as it can be to be in line with God’s greater purposes.
Finally, - I will live beyond my life time – having vision of influencing people and the context for a perceived future which is beyond my life time. And in that process I will allow myself to be changed into what God wants my life to be like.

At the same time – I will engage fully with in my area of responsibility for this greater vision, try to see whom I can influence outside my areas of responsibility towards this, and pray for those areas which are my areas of concern but I may not have control over….


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