Therapeutic caring
As a professional care giver in health, looking back over last few decades of engagement in various ways of caring and facilitating systems of caring, I realize that my reasons of being in the field are not anymore that I started off with. I remember, when I started off on my journey, as a young consultant, I was one who wanted to change the world. Started off with an arrogance that “I know it all” and I with my knowledge and skills can change the world I am kept in! I started off with also the clear understanding that I have the knowledge and skills, and the “poor and the people in need” my “God given talents and abilities” so that they can live a better life. (I do no think I still have been completely cured of this paradigm, but it seems to have weaned off a bit over last few decades.) And the institutional structures that I was part of, encouraged this paradigm. We are one of the best care providers, we have the knowledge, the ability and of course “compassion” as a...