
Reflecting on networks

I was asked by friend and ex colleague to share thoughts on what makes a “network” sustainable or tick? What is their lifespan usually and what brings them down? I am not an expert in networks – I am not talking about computer networks, but networks formed by voluntary organizations, but what I have put down are some disjointed thoughts from what I have observed. If of use, good, if not, there is always the options of deleting this! Usually a net work is formed after a “network” event, and some one comes up with a bright idea of forming a network! But many a times the why, the how, what for, how to sustain etc. are not really thought through. So, given below are some thoughts that might help us in considering issues that will sustain, tick the networks. The Why Matters Why or what for is the network formed, is key. What is the soft ware that holds us together? What is that overarching vision or desire that holds us together is important. It might be a nebulous vision, and a viso

The Peniel season

The life of Jacob speaks much into our lives and the context in which we are living these days. One part of his story stands out as quite relevant - the Peniel moment. A man, who was always in control of his life, scheming, planning and strategizing how to be upwardly mobile, even by pulling others down, suddenly finds himself vulnerable, alone, wrestling with a man, who turns out to be God! Genesis 32;22-32 His early years were in line with his name, Jacob – the supplanter or deceiver, one who struggles with man. He was running ahead of God’s plans for his life, trying to take control of the same through various ways. He deceived his brother and his father and out of fear of retaliation from his brother had to run away to Midian. But his 20 years in Midian with his father in law, Laban, was a tough phase; he found his match, one who was equally good as a deceiver or manipulator. The Peniel moment happens on his way back. Jacob had enough of staying with his father in law. He has n