Genes...down the generations...

Why is it that  some of your "not so acceptable" traits are observed by you in your there a selective transmission of your "bad genes"? And one feels it is much worse than what you have even!...."accentuation"....

At the same time one observes some "transference" of "good" characteristics too....but generally it is much "pronounced than what you have or had....Is there a selective "accentuation" or "mutation" to "dominance" of good genes..?

With genetic manipulation possible now, could these change in the future - custom made gene selection - made to order genes - book it in advance...!

But the "accentuation" of  bad in your children is more of a perception - perception from  a mindset -  the feeling that "we were and our age people are better than the current generation"...and so the bad is "accentuated" or "pronounced".....a "Better than thou mind set" ....

But what about the good - that is a fact - the next generation is better than the previous - and the facts stares in ones face...and you can only agree!

Life is about transference and accentuation any way - transference of the good, and accentuation of the good...but the challenge is the attenuation of the bad....Is there a mechanism by one can "Attenuate" the bad and not allow it to transfer....?


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