Treating Self….

The wisdom tooth – “the impacted ones” – are those who refuse to grow out the way it is expected to grow and function the way they are expected to…. The challenge of this is, it is usually quite tough to remove, the roots would have been deeply imbedded into the bone and one needs to cut into the jaw bone and extract this tooth….And if you leave this not taken out, it will continue to give constant pain and irritation and at times infection…

Glioblastoma Multiforme (GM) – is a brain tumor, which is a has a peculiar quality in that it infiltrates into the surrounding brain tissues – and so the separation between the normal cells and the tumor cells is very difficult to delineate…and so any surgical excision of the tumor is likely to be incomplete – some of the cells are always left behind….and this leads to frequent recurrence..In most cases….and so only a partial excision is practical, one needs to treat this with Radiation etc….even this with not 100% results…recurrence does happen…

Cavernous hemagioma (CH) – or cavernoma as some call it is a tumor of blood vessels usually in the nervous system – large pools of blood filled spaces are found in the organs, and like GM, it is so extensive that it is next to impossible to excise…But this has something which the GM does not have – there are “feeders” – blood vessels which feed the tumor and these feeders if “Blocked off” or “embolized” the tumor cold regress and die….but this could end up with the “empty space” left by the dying tumor, which could get infected and necrosed – leading to potential more difficulties…

As you grow old, you start realizing “Self” is also like these Medical conditions….Deeply rooted like the “Impacted wisdom tooth” difficult to extract – is a surgical excision which would leave much pain the best answer or leaving it alone – but only to create more pain in future?

Or should we try “partial excision” of self like that you do for GM – and then see if there are other ways of “ignoring the rest” or “irradiating the rest” – but with the self so infiltrated into every inner nook of our nature, one could never take the whole thing away – and even if you try you will leave - not a self less person but person who has lost his self..And the rest which was left trying to come up time and time again…

The other option we could consider would be like what we try for CH – block off the feeders and allow the self to die…the feeders of self are the feeders though our five senses – from the world…these are self perpetuating “feeders” – the more eye sees, the self wants it more and it looks for more..The more the self hears from the listens for more and thus the cycle perpetuates itself…So theoretically we could “block off the feeders” – take the eye off, the ear off – this would be traumatic and would end up leaving an angry and infected bitter inner being – infection in the starved self…..

But there is yet another answer – which seems to be best solution – transplant the feeders – the feeders which now open into the world – to receive inputs from the world…transplant it into the “Word” so that the senses receive regularly from the word..than the world…this would leave the self not starved, but “fed and growing” but at the same time transformed..By the Word….a true “Metamorphosis”….

So a transformation by a healthy food seems to be better than death by starvation – at least for the self…


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