Redeeming Tears....

Tears are of three types – the “Basal tears’ is the normal lubrication of the cornea and conjunctiva by ongoing secretion of tears, which keeps the eye moist, smooth and clean…

The Reflex tears are those which are produced in excess than normal basal tears, when foreign bodies or dust particles come into contact with eyes, again a normal reflux mechanism to wash out the dirt. There are also the tears due to Infection or inflammation, which again, is way of washing out the bacteria and the infection by increased fluid production.

But the one which is most well known is the “psychic tears” or emotional tears – this is called crying…if you do not know…! And this could be due to any emotion – the “Fright, flight and fight reaction (like when a dog jumps at you!) or sorrow and pain or even joy and happiness and excitement…And the cause is not the local irritation, but internal changes of Hormones which act on the tear glands and increase the fluid production…for what? To let others know that you are crying!

What about the tears of the inner man…the Inner man also needs to have Basal tears – a constant lubrication which is perpetual and on going to keep it wet and agile….Sensitive to any changes around…. And not “lose” the lubrication of the “spirit’….not lose the sensitivity….something to guard against….

And if the basal tears are lost…(one could lose due to illness – dry eyes) ….the reflex tears also will be lost…and the eyes, will get damaged by any foreign body, dust or infection, because the “cleansing fluid” is not available…Truth, Wrong, Sin, Injustice etc does not have any effect….Because the inner man’s sensitivity is already lost….

But the “psychic” or “Emotional tears” are the most important….one should never lose the “ability to cry” (may not be externally – Indian men do not cry) but at least cry internally…Crying with those crying, both out of pain and joy and or other emotions…is what our master modeled….

But I seem to be developing early symptoms of “keratoconjunctivitis sicca” – or dry eyes…losing sensitivity….the lubrication…injustice seems not to touch me much….and I am comfortable with a “detached attachment ….!

I need intervention by “disease modifying drugs”….to redeem the “tears”….the the holy spirit which will modify my drying up eyes…and redeeming the ability to cry….! 


  1. Read through some of the back issues that I missed during the last 2 weeks. The way that you bring deeper meaning to some of these aspects of physiology is meaningful and inspiring. May God continue to bless you and the important work that you do.


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