You as your own enemy?

What do you do when the protector of the system becomes the destroyer of the system?

In Health, the Immunological disorders like Lupus or others are examples of such a situation. The immune system that is expected to be protector of the body system creates havoc in most of the immunological disorders by turning against the normal body cells.

We find this in Nations too. Groups created to support and protect parts of a nation turn against nation itself. Punjab Afghanistan etc. are examples in our generation itself.

You become your own enemy, unable to keep your own system under control, and then chaos and havoc breaks out.

In Medicine, what we do is, we suppress the immune system with strong immunosuppressant’s, thus controlling the chaos, but leaving the body vulnerable to destruction from external attacks of infections.

Countries destroy the groups, which have broken away from their control, but with the risk of leaving the nation divided, vulnerable and broken.

This is true even in our mental and emotional lives too.

Our emotions which are supposed to facilitate a life of peace and rest, confidence and surety, growth and development run wild at times as if it is not under our control. Why does this happen, and we find ourselves unable to control our own emotions that are expected to build us. This is out of a mind that wanders and runs wild by what we see with our eyes, what we hear with our ears, and or what we perceive out of what we capture from our five senses. 

What is the answer - if we use the medical model and suppress the mind we will end up vulnerable and broken. Or if we try the defense model, we will end up destroying a faculty that is key to our life!

This is why bible gives a different model, a model where the mind and emotions have a third element that takes control of these two faculties if we allow that to happen.  This is the spirit, which if allowed will "renew the mind" and "transform" it, leading to an emotion which builds us and through our building others.

We live in a world where there is a battle for the mind around us. Pro-active transformation of the mind is better that reactive suppression or destruction once mind starts running wild.

Is my mind being renewed and transformed, by allowing the spirit to do its work in my life......? A question I need to ask myself daily…..!


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