Worshipping when down

Worshipping when down....

Worship has become a 'feel good' activity where at the end of worship one needs to feel good if you want to label it as 'good'. The paradigm of worship being touching the heart of God, does not seem to be up in agenda.

A casual question to a worshiper getting out of a worship service would draw the following responses - awesome, cool,  excellent, uplifting, or similar sounding words.

I was recently worshipping along with an elderly person with moderate stages of Alzheimers disease. You could experience that the person was a worshipper in heart, but if you had asked her, how was the worship, she would not be able to respond because she would have forgotten the experience soon.

So when you are down, how does one worship? How does one rate the experience?

Physically down due to illness, emotionally down due the effects of the illness, worship is an act of will, based on certain facts which one holds on to and not how one is feeling.

When spiritually down due to sin or failure, it will be groans of the Spirit of God which is worship.

When mentally down due to depression it will be a cry of a heart which does not what else to do.

But if there is an organic brain damage, where no expression is recognisable how does worship look like - un uttered cries of heart, soul and spirit?

How would the response of some of these people be, if asked how the worship was....?

Only when you worship alongside such people with different emotions, minds and souls than what have now, one can realize that worship is beyond feeling good, but spirit crying out to spirit...

Oh to be such a worshipper....!


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