A “Spiritual” Mental Health Check list

Delusions – abnormal beliefs which are held with absolute certainty, based on incorrect inferences about external reality.

Do I have beliefs about the world and what I see around, which I hold with absolute certainty which is based on my intellectual, rational and scientific thinking? If so we might be in for a surprise – we might find ourselves deluded. The correct inference of external reality comes from using the spectacle of the Grand Narrative – the Narrative based on the creator’s inference. Do I have such inference…? Am I deluded?

Illusions - false perceptions of a real external stimulus.

Does my delusional thinking lead me to perceptions of people and events? And then I act, react and respond based on those perceptions? I might be bordering on an illusive (if there is a word like this) behavior. A correct perception of people is – the way the owner and creator perceives His creation and His child….not the way you and I see…

Hallucinations – perceptions without corresponding external object, with a subjective experience of perception in a sensory modality.

Do I have undue concerns and fears about potential situations which could happen in the future? Do I worry about what could happen in the future, so much that it affects my normal thought processes? If so you might be on the way to hallucinating…because what could happen tomorrow is not in your hands but in someone who has a clear perception and understanding of the potential future external reality….unlike us who cannot see beyond now…

Compulsions – stereotyped acts, recognized as excessive unreasonable or exaggerated.

Does by undue concerns and fears lead me to protective, calculative and controlling behavior so that I safe guard my life and all I have? If so I might on the road to obsession…I do not need to be in control – there is someone else who already is…

Obsessions – persistent thoughts, images, doubts or impulses leading to over indulgence.

Am I over involved with anything – including good things – blogging, face book work, etc. etc…Am I bordering on obsession in even doing good….? All based on my perceptions and illusions…We were called to live in the rhythm of life…leaving our life and all what we have to the one and only owner…




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