Confusion to Clarity...

How do we move from confusion to clarity...

Did we as a generation fail in helping each other to move from confusion to clarity…

Looking back, as we were growing up, there were many who challenged us - “Dare to be a Daniel”... And those who did challenge us were people who has actually had chosen “character” above “career” “call” above “Job”. Like Daniel who put his career on the anvil by choosing not to eat the food, we had role models who more than talking, through their lives communicated that choices made in line with the Big picture was worth it..!

Their lives also communicated that, as they took such choices, there was the bigger influence of their lives on many others, not in the usual sense of through their career only, but through their lives and life style. This also was more observed that proclaimed!

We also observed that some of them had to face uncertain and difficult situations, rejection by colleagues, peers and family, but you could sense a fulfillment in the manner they lived (and continue to live).

And they were willing to take steps in faith – risky though, but with fear at times and visible assurance that God will come through…
All of them had three lives –

One the visible life of external involvement – where they lived their career out…day in and day out 12 to 16 hours, curing, caring, healing, hearing, teaching, learning….this is what we saw…

There was a unseen inner life which they opened up to some close friends….the “spectacles” through which they saw the visible life – the “Grand Narrative” or the “Meta Narrative” of how their life’s Narrative – fitted into the Big picture…This was generally unseen – but glimpses of this would come out in close interactions…but they were open and vulnerable enough to let us, the young peek into their own challenges of recapturing the Grand Narrative…

There was a third life – a bridging activity – of “Spiritual Disciples” – they took time, visible to all of us, in invisible reflection. Not again intentionally communicated, but observable for those who wanted to see and learn.

It is not only the story of Daniel and Joseph and Moses which challenged us, but the life of visible people, who were open and vulnerable  - to live their lives as an open book for many to see…not only the successful external life but the challenged and difficult internal life too..
Did our generation fail to produce such role models?


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