Learning by listening….

About 40 of our leaders came together to reflect on some of the challenges we face in our interaction with the legal systems of the country, the government offices and officers and the media. We had senior Government secretaries, lawyers and Media people listening in and giving us perspectives which health care professionals normally do not get. And there was a theologian who gave us biblical frame work to look at state and how to interact with state.

As I listened in to all the sessions and interaction going on, I learnt a few things about our fraternity…. or  at least about myself….

One – Health care professionals are illiterate! Though literate in our own field, we tend not to enhance our literacy in the other fields which we necessarily need to, if we have to survive in the world of health care.

Two – There are other professionals who are like us, who confuse the lay with their jargon! Like what we do with the Medical jargon! Lawyers are not too far behind. Government servants and Media were better. The pastor was not one who would want to confuse us with theological jargon! The legal jargon is as bad as Medial jargon!

Three – we might be knowledgeable but definitely has not been wise.  The many legal issues we face, the challenges we face with the world outside is because of a lack of wisdom – lack knowledge of how to wisely deal people outside our Medical field.

Four – We live in world of our own! We are blinded by our own spectacles. We do not even realize that there is a different world out side. Even if we know, we do not know how to be in the world and not of the world.

Five - we are good in reacting to crises but not good in pro-active prevention of crises. The daily life of managing emergencies leads to a culture of reactive responses and not proactive planning!

And finally – that we need others alongside to live in this world….we need lawyers, bureaucrats, pastors and Media people with whom the world becomes more colourful than with the dry and drab heath care professionals alone!!!Though we think we are enough!

So how do we become better health care professionals?

Become literate, talk in understandable English, add wisdom to knowledge, have frequent eye check ups, change our spectacles and reflect and respond instead of reacting and responding ….and make sure that you know how to live with others…

If any reader (health care professional) feels upset - a disclaimer - this is not about you, but about me and the likes....


  1. Superb! Especially your final point...

  2. Aptly written. This should be circulated to all the hospitals.

  3. Well done and what learnings...every profession needss it. After all finally our impact is evidenced in people'us perception about us. Am going viral with this.......

  4. this describes exactly what we struggle to deal with everyday.....great insight


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