Vulnerability test

After the last post on vulnerability which was written from a train journey to UP, I got out of the train and immediately faced a test of vulnerability. A personal test from which I am still recovering!

I lost my purse with – all the ID cards, Debit and Credit Cards, License to Drive and a couple of frequent traveller cards. In one sense – Plastic cards which gives you Identity, Security, Mobility and Status. The immediate reaction was acute sense of vulnerability. I need to travel soon – I do not have a ID proof; I am not “old fashioned” to keep too much cash with me – and I need money (my wife’s card also is blocked for some reason); weekend approaching, I need to drive; and of course  some of the other plastics which I can afford to lose. Status can always come later…! If I has put my emotions on a graph it would have looked like this. (Fig 1)


Soon, in about 24 hours the same changed! There did not seem to be much relationship between what I possessed and what I felt!

Rather by now – 36 hours later I am kind of happy that I do not have many cards. I do have another identity (and proof of the same). My “old fashioned” father gave money and supplemented by some kind neighbours. I took bus and metro without keeping my hand on the pocket as I always do – fearful of pick pockets! The graph is reversed....though i am not sure tomorrow what the challenges will come up.
So in 36 hours I have grown in D.o.G (Dependence on God) and I.D.E.o (Inter-Dependence on Each other), which seems to be much better than being independent with many plastic cards in pocket!
That brings the question – where does contentment come from? If we draw a graph with Contentment on the Y axis, what would be on the X Axis? I think it will be Dependence on God and the Support of each other. 
And it would look like this.


Is this not what Jesus taught – unless you become like children….and what the poor teaches us – be content in the little you have but faith in God and the community which you are  part off….

Have i complicated my life with these plastic cards..?


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