Vulnerable but protected...

Vulnerability of communities of faith scattered across our country is due to both internal and external factors.

Broken down walls are one reason. These communities are like city without walls. Walls of protection which should have been there due to our “being in the world” but “not of the world” has been broken down by not caring for these walls of character. We think that it is the physical walls which give us protection, but many times it is not these physical walls, but the walls of our character.

Drying up of the river of compassion and care is yet another factor. Character can be assassinated and destroyed by assassins and destroyers, but out flowing river of care and compassion can give protection from any potential destroyers. We have shifted from being connected to the ever flowing source of the river of compassion to other fast drying up ones.

Scattering is a third factor. Physical, emotional, and purpose scattering is evident among these communities. Established for the common purpose of worshiping and witnessing, caring for and crying with, today these communities have been scattered away into multiplicity of purposes.

Superiority and self-righteousness is yet another reason. Rather than being “jars of clay” in which we have been “given a treasure” we are like “broken cisterns that hold no water”. Holes in our vessels created due the pride of superiority, has led to our rhetoric being louder than our righteousness. Men and women with unclean lips living in the midst of an unclean generation, is what we are, but covered by “amazing grace”.

What more shall we say. There could be many more such reasons. Such communities become vulnerable also because, perceptions of the communities around have changed over time. But is it not our own issues the core factors than what is there outside?

Who shall protect such communities? How shall we live in the world as a protected community? Rebuilding of walls of character, reconnecting to the source of the river of compassion, recapturing of the primary purpose of our calling and recognition of our true identity are potential ways.

But at the end of the day, the walls of fire facilitated by the owner and creator of these communities is what can give us the best protection. And when that happens, the Glory will go to Him and not to us who try to build communities in our own strength.


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