Politics, Perceived Justice and Injustice…

Politics (from Greek: politikos, meaning "of, for, or relating to citizens") is the practice and theory of influencing other people on a civic or individual level. More narrowly, it refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance — organized control over a human community, particularly a state.

Today the word “Politics” has lost the original meaning  and has a challenged connotation most of the times. Similarly Justice and Injustice also are losing their meaning. We perceive what is “Just” or “Unjust” based on our perceptions and then play politics for supposedly a greater cause – but many times – the greater cause itself is a perceived greater cause than truly a greater cause! We see this played out in Political circles, movements, organizations, communities and wherever people come together.

Any such situation has multiple players – the “Perpetuators” – who from their own perceptions fight for what is “Just” or “Unjust”. They also perpetuate the perception based on their understanding of the context. Depending on their understanding of the issue they either remain in the background and put forth “pawns” to be their front or take issues into their own hands – mostly depending on how they understand – how close to “greater cause” they are nor not.

And then these pawns take this forward, many a times believing that they are fighting for a righteous cause which could be true or a perception. And they mobilize people around them – again the crowd or mob joins with varied understanding of what is right or wrong, or what is Just or unjust – but depending on the perceptions of truth emerging from the perpetuators and pawns.

And usually there will be person who gets caught in the middle – the one who is at the receiving end. This person again perceives each of these groups through his own spectacles. And to sort all these confusion out, there will be Pilate – the “governance or management system” who or which is expected to sort it out. But his or her priority will be the system he or she is part of, than the other players, usually, because that is what he or she is expected to protect!

Jesus was caught in such a predicament. The perpetuators were vocal and potentially violent – He knew, they “know not what they were doing” and forgave them! The pawn, one of his own, he “loved him to the end”. The people – his own wanted to go violent and viral initially and later left him – he went after them to restore them back, but prevented them from breaking out in violence. The other people – he saw them as “sheep without shepherd”, one whom he would want to care, like a Mother chicken caring for her young ones. His own perception of what was done to Him – he saw it through the spectacles of the sovereignty of His father and the greater purpose of what He had come for. And for that He was willing to give up his life….be at the receiving end….

He refused to play politics – because he had the right perceptions – because of the spectacles which he had got from His father – to see things the way His father saw. A divine perception….

I need a change of specs….


  1. Doing the will of God is impossible without acknowledging the Lordship of Christ in our lives. I think that the failure to accept His Lordship in all spheres of our lives is the prime reason on why we get carried away, many a time momentarily, with the world and it's agendas.


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