Brain drain Brain

Brain Drain is - brains drained out of the context where brain is required to retain “value drain”; “compassion drain”; “credibility drain”; and “perseverance drain”. This is a physical movement out of the context where these brains are required and there is a need for facilitating retention.  

Brain Drain happens out a “philosophical drain” a “Mission drain”. A drain of purpose, the purpose of why we are in health care, or why we have been given the privilege of being in health care. This is an intellectual movement – a movement from one way of thinking to another way of thinking.

Why does “Mission Drain” occur? Because there is a “vision drain”. Loss of big picture, loss of the grand narrative the “Big Brain” behind the small brains we have or the micro brains we have. That loss of the inner spiritual perspective is what leads to external intellectual and physical brain drains.

Why does this Brian Drain happen? Due to lack of a brains which are role models. This lack has happened because very few brains are left as role models in the context where should be more such people! Where drain has to be restrained, the drain has already set in.

Would I be retainer or a drainer?


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