Soul management

Catching up…
I read this in a blog - “The speaker at one of our Women’s conferences told the story about an American on safari. He had the natives marching almost day and night to reach his hunting destination in the African bush. On the fourth morning, the Bushmen refused to move. Instead, they relaxed in the shade of a tree and stayed there long into the morning. The American hunter was incredulous and exasperated. He grew angrier as the minutes ticked by on his watch, and he finally exploded. "This is an absolute waste of my valuable time. Can someone tell me what's going on here?" The translator looked at him with surprise and replied, "Well, they are just waiting for their soul to catch up with their body.”
Another blog – “was telling me the story of an Australian Aborigine who, after his first ever car trip, felt the need to sit down on the ground.  When asked why, he said “I am waiting for my soul to catch up.”
Human kind, much before technology and modernization, did know that in every day life we can have a “soul body/mind dissociation” and that this was not healthy. 
The daily life is like a dissociative anaesthesia, where your body and experiences of pain  is dissociated by anaesthetic drugs.
Our daily life there are many “anaesthetics”  which dissociate us..and in the midst of this to live a life of association – we need to cultivate Associative Behaviours, Contexts and Disciplines. The ABCD of Catching up! This is what Jesus did – early in the morning, late in the evening, walking off from the crowd…
Cultivating Behaviours, Contexts and Disciplines….of communicating with His father..who was the keeper of His soul….
Giving up….
The danger of not managing your soul is – the potential of giving up! The good thing is – what is given up in this life can always be retrieved – there is always a potential to return…Psychologists write about Soul talk! To retrieve what is lost…!
Like recovery from anesthesia.... 
But David this much before…
All of your waves and your breakers wash over me,
Deep calls to deep, at the roar of your waterfalls.
Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why are you troubled within?
Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Hope in God; for I shall praise Him again!
Hope in God; for I shall praise Him again!
Talk to the Soul which is at the verge of giving up – not only ours but others too….
But what we are created is for – Holding up and not Giving up or Catching up…..
The Soul which is under the control of the Spirit to hold up our body and mind….
I heard a friend sharing about “Burn out”….”when the fire is from within, you do not burn out but you burn on”….that is the secret of a “Holding up Soul”…fire from within..or like what is given in the “Message”
Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?
Why are you crying the blues?
Fix my eyes on God—
soon I’ll be praising again.
He puts a smile on my face.
He’s my God.
Live with a fixed eye….I need fixing of my eyes….


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