
The beginnings of our life and the initial years, we have no control over our life and what happens to us. The end and the time which is near that, we have no control. Others decide what we should do, where we should be, what we should eat and wear and many such other things…

The beginning is easy – we come in new, have not had the experience of being in control but we grow up soon! Our own inner nature – tells us – take control! Adam and Eve did it, in the Garden of Eden and this is in our nature! And all this who are around tells us, helps us to move from lack of control to a controlled life, where we are in control of our life….

Over next few years we learn and excel in the art of control. We control our bodies, our minds, our heart and our emotions, and even the “spirit”….Some of us go beyond our own lives and take control of the people around, the situations around, and world around us….

Every now and then, God surprises us – by engineering circumstances and allowing events, where our controlled system and life fails…to keep us aware that though we are seemingly in control, we are not! Some of us learn the lessons fast, some take time, and some does not at all! Those who learn fast, recognize and hand over to God, those who take time, struggle in an out of the  “control - lack of control” see-saw of life, and those who do not learn – live a frustrated life….struggling to give up the seeming control, which is no control any way!

But there comes a day – when all these three groups will be equal – losing control – at different grades of course. Body – all will start losing, mind – some to greater extend, some to lesser extent, emotions - internally I believe all start losing control, but externally we are taught not to show lack of control and so this never is visible…

But the Spirit in us – the Good book says – is being renewed and strengthened –though the external is wasting away. Though the control of the body, mind and emotion are whittling away, there IS an inner spirit which is in control because the same is not under our control but someone else’s control! And this someone else is not one who is learning the art of control but who has been in control since eternity!

So if the beginning and the end is about having no control ourselves, and sandwiched middle is about only “seeming control” – how do I live a life of controlled uncontrolled life…..give control over to the one who is the master of control….and give up my control…

It might make life easy in the latter phases of my life, not only for me but others who might be in control of my life….


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