Good Governance

For unto us a child is born....The government shall be upon his shoulders....
A verse which has encouraged me every Christmas season. To recognize that, in the midst of all the governance challenges we grapple with, there is one who is charge or holding the governing, is comforting. Not only the governance of my life, my family's, but the organization i am part of, my nation and all the nations!
If the government is on His shoulders and he is in charge of governing, why do leaders rage and rant, why the focus of governance on some individuals rather than the one who is ultimately responsible?
And if so, what better day to celebrate as Good Governance Day than Christmas, when the one who is control of governance decided to spend some time in this poorly governed world, to show us how to govern well.
Let us join the nation in celebration of Good Governance Day, reminding each other of the entry of the one and only Good governor - the son of God into this world and our lives.
Not only on December 25th but every day.....


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