confusing communities

Reflecting on three communities 'get-togethers' which I was part of this year end.
One was a bestowed one, the one you are born or married into, (family) the other by by chance and later earned, (your alumni) and third by choice. (a mission and ministry)
All three have some commonalities - you are accepted as you are in all three, though in one there might questions on whether one could have done better, other don't understand what one is upto, the third one - well understood.  But all groups generally show good acceptability and tolerance!
Community always need a  common frame work as foundation. Strength of foundation is linked to how deep the bonds are.
How are bonds built and strengthened? Some are bestowed, part of the strong culture of similar communities from where the senior generation has come from and that expectation leads to all aligning in. But even this needs to be worked on for a deeper bonding. Others loosely bonded, but has the opportunity to be built into a stronger one if  one ...
Fellowship depth and mode is linked to strength of foundation. One can assess by the questions one overhears. In an earned community - questions are about, how one is constantly growing in earning. In bestowed, there is more discussion on values and character of the community. In chosen more on how one is contributing to big picture and how we can support each other.
All three communities are equally important for growth. One, for stability through keeping roots and values strong, other to build the social relationships which are key when you live in this world for our wholesome development. The third, facilitating growth in contribution.
Values, character, stability, social relationships, contribution for to big picture, being built and building others, all are part of our growth mandate. And for this community is essential.
Holding all three or even more together and building on the existing foundations, fir it to be stronger.....a dream which can be realized?


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